Saturday 5 December 2015

Photoshoot Set up

For my photoshoot my brief was to use two different lighting set ups for my high key and low key photographs, and to think about which ones would look better in either colour or in black and white.

For my high key set up I kept it simple, I want these photos to be in colour to display the pop of colour, so to do this I will be positioning my camera on a tripod, with a light with a beauty dish on directly above my model, then I will be getting my assistants to use a reflector around the models face to get rid of as much shadows as possible. I have chosen to do my high key photos in colour as I believe this will show it off better and will look more vibrant.

For my low key photos I will be using 2 different lighting set ups, for both of them I will have a white  backdrop, a light for flash, and also a light with a soft box on it, for the first lighting set up I will position my model in front of the soft box and for the second i will have the model against the background still with the soft box on. I have chosen for these photos to be in black and white as this will really emphasise the shadows of the face.

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